Welcome to San Fernando Valley Academy

Faculty and Staff
San Fernando Valley Academy takes pride in their dedicated, well-trained and credentialed faculty staff that have many classroom and office hours in their specialized field, but also come with real-world experience. Click here to find out more about our talented employees and learn a little more about them.
Open Enrollment
Are you looking for a Christian-oriented, college preparatory school in the San Fernando Valley, then San Fernando Valley Academy is waiting for you? SFVA is accepting enrollment now for the 2024- 2025 school year. Whether your child is a preschooler or a senior in high school, they will be able to call SFVA their home.

SFVA Renovations
Completed and Ongoing Projects
SFVA has been blessed with the completion of several crucial projects this year. To continue our journey of improvement, here are some ongoing projects that require further attention. We appreciate your continued support as we work towards achieving these goals for a better SFVA. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved!
Jonathan Fernandez
12th Grade
"I love San Fernando Valley Academy because here at this school I have been welcomed as part of their family."
Evelyn Lee
4th Grade
“They have prepared me for following the right path for God and helped me learn.”
Lee Rugless
“I love the opportunity to be used by God to plant seeds of spirituality in young peoples’ lives. This school is a shining light on a hill.”